Thursday, September 20, 2012

BLOODIED now available from Sabolek Records

If you haven't already realised (and if you have then who the hell are you? No one looks at this stuff) I've decided to release my music under my own vanity label for the time being after trying to work things out with a couple of other people over a long time.

The label is Sabolek Records and at the moment I'm simply operating it from a Tumblr (and even then you have to go through Bandcamp to order stuff). It's only me running it and currently the only releases on their are mine; awkward self-promotion and copywriting ensues.

I'd like to release Nina and I's stuff but that is dependent on a whole lot of stuff and would be some months away anyway.

Jonathon has sadly wound up Totem Tapes, so it means I'm now also in possession of the Bloodied cassette run. Limited to 50 copies, it's now technically available from Bandcamp via Sabolek Records. The art has been tweaked too (that's one for the fan club members).
I'll hopefully be playing shows by this summer and the physical releases will be available at those also.

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